972-979-0665 | [email protected]
I write for the very reason I breathe. . . ~delmetria millener
(click on any heading below to read my fire!)
(click on any heading below to read my fire!)
Creative Nonfiction Author
Wrapped in literary finesse, but rooted in fact with verifiable references and exhaustive research, my stories expose the documentable history of hard-to-discuss issues such as mental illness in the Black community, women and homosexuality, religion vs. spirituality, proverbial starving artists, outdated education and other societal discomforts that shake up realities.
On any topic, I provide education and awareness that cause readers to trust information I report and the publications used to report it.
From developing highly effective, original and targeted marketing copy to writing B2B and B2C messaging that sells, I push the envelop to draft content that educates about your business, product, brand or service. I persuade audiences to act.
Copy Editor
My literary polish can reach spit-shine perfection on any content. I provide one-on-one feedback to not only reveal your weaknesses but discover your strengths. The result? Content that you can be proud of and profitable from. (Yes, FROM.) Note: Once upon a time, as a Latin rule, a sentence was not supposed to end with a preposition. Today, that rule is not suited for modern English usage. In other words, I know my sh*t!
Commercial Writer
With pen in hand, I help companies and individuals boost their professionalism with advertorials, speeches, CVs/resumes, social media content, business letters and more.
Ghost Writer
I can reshape your thoughts into words that create your story while preserving your voice and style.
I keep readers up-to-date about your services, products or company news, and on mine, provide thought-provoking commentary on relevant topics.
Creative Writer
I skillfully write mood-inspired poetry, short stories, vignettes and other genres on a myriad of subjects that intrigue and inspire.